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Ecommerce hot topics are abundant on the Internet. There are experts in the industry offering top tips on how to make more money online and weeding through all these tips can be inundating.

Custom ecommerce store design

Fear not, because here at OC Designs Online not only do we offer custom ecommerce store designs for eBay, ChannelAdvisor, Yahoo!, BigCommerce, Volusion and more—our blog is your must-bookmark source for ecommerce tips of all kinds!

In addition, all the advice out there can send your retailer mind spinning—what am I doing right and what should I be doing?

Here, we’ve come up with three things your ecommerce store is missing and how to solve these issues!

How Fast Do You Solve a Need?

It’s been said smaller retailers just can’t compete with the big boys on places like Amazon where the prices are low and the inventory high. This really isn’t true if you solve a need quickly and at a price that isn’t so high it disinterests the shopper.

How to design an eBay store

Let’s clarify this a bit. An online shopper might want a portable hard drive or a stereo component and those items may be cheaper in the big competitor’s store, but if you offer a competitive price (not necessarily match the price) along with walk-you-through-it advice on how to install the hard drive or stereo component, you’ve solved that need.

The online shopper really doesn’t want to order from a big box store and then wait on hold for a tech consultant. They want to know when the item arrives that you can help them ASAP.

Compete with big ecommerce stores

Consider using how-to videos within your store on how to install or operate certain items you sell—this problem solving goes a long way in gaining the customer’s trust and guarantees repeat purchases and word-of-mouth referrals.

It is true today’s consumers are savvier and will choose great customer service and support over price.

Better Item Descriptions and Design

The images of your products are gold but item descriptions and template design are the meat and potatoes of every product you list in your ecommerce store.

Custom listing template design

Choosing various colors and fonts might seem eye-grabbing in an item description but let’s face it—this tactic is for newbies!

Your item description should look professional and custom listing template designs are the answer to this ecommerce solution.

Custom listing templates such as the ones we offer here at OC Designs Online offer a free template editor, custom listing design, left navigation and header design, free custom logo design and installation into your store. And, we have worked with many listing service platforms so we can design a listing template that allows you to create professional and crisp listings quickly and easily.

Professional Design

Chances are if you’re an ecommerce retailer, you subscribe to newsletters or online magazines dedicated to online selling. We also bet you’ve seen many articles on how to make more money online with tips and suggestions for improving your store.

3 Things your ecommerce store is missing

Lackluster store designs just won’t attract customers and there are a plethora of how-to articles on why you need a custom ecommerce store design instead of attempting to weed through your platform’s design tools and customization offerings.

Top ecommerce retailers do invest in custom store designs and many have used the services we offer simply because they want to shine and build their brand identity.

How to make more money online

You have enough to worry about like providing great customer service, managing your inventory and choosing the right items to sell so why not take your store to the professional level and invest in a custom store design?

Our portfolio is vast and so is our experience working with all the ecommerce platforms out there today. Our graphic designers are dedicated to creating the best store design based on your goals and industry.

Selling anything online is competitive so skip creating a design on your own and leave that to the experts!

Road to Success

Now that we’ve given you the three things your ecommerce store is missing, get started today on solving problems for shoppers with exceptional offers and customer service, great listing templates and custom ecommerce store designs.

Custom Yahoo! store designs

Be sure to check out our blog post on what’s hot and trendy for ecommerce stores in 2013 and we also invite you to find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

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