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Can you believe it’s almost October and Black Friday is just around the corner? For eBay store retailers that means not only should your eBay store design be in top shape (OC Designs Online can help with that) you also need to take advantage of this time of the year and you too can boost sales upwards of 30 percent to ensure profits are the best ever this year!

eBay store design for the holidays

Boosting Holiday Sales

Today’s consumers still stand in line on Black Friday at brick and mortar stores, but the number of these types of shoppers drops each  year. Why? Consumers are turning to their PCs, laptops and smartphones to buy the holiday items and gifts they need because e-commerce businesses offer convenience during this busy time of the year.

A bland eBay store template design won’t attract the customers you seek—they want sizzle and free stuff—yes free stuff like shipping, free return shipping—no questions asked and eBay retailers who offer the eBay mobile app so they can shop from their Androids and iPhones.  These are just some of the ways to increase sales but what are some other hot trends on eBay to get customers to stay on in your store and browse your wares?

Turn Up Sales Volumes

Even if your eBay store is up and running, you need to get started now by dressing it up with a great eBay store design—especially for the holidays!. Here are some top ideas to help you get started.

Africa Direct eBay store design from OC Designs OnlineInventory – Inventory control can make or break even an e-commerce business. Take time now to review what you have and deeply discount items you haven’t sold. Make sure you stock up on top sellers and do a Google search on what’s trending in your market. What’s the latest footwear? What’s new in jewelry? What gadget is everyone buying? If you don’t have these items for sale, eBay shoppers will find stores that do!

The Free Stuff – You can afford to offer free shipping and returns so do it if you aren’t already—this is very important to holiday shoppers. Another free element you may want to offer is free online chat on your eBay store template design. Very often sellers will leave a store if they have a question but if you’re there to chat and answers those questions, they will buy from you. Even if you have to hire someone to chat with customers, you can add the cost of additional personnel to items you’re selling.

eBay Store Design – Take your retailer hat off and look at your store as a customer. Does it pop? Does it shine and shout out—“We are your holiday store!”  eBay store templates and design elements can be added for the holiday season in the forms of images or text. Unless your store is specific to a certain holiday, try not to use “Christmas” or “Hanukah” as this limits the search. Make sure the text you use includes “Holiday” or “Happy Holidays” or “Holiday Discounts.” OC Designs Online can help you make your eBay store pop for the holidays. You also need to make sure your eBay store design includes a “search this store tool” to make it easier for buyers to find specifically what they want.

Missing Text – Do you have missing content (text) under your About Us tab or your Privacy Policy tab—or any tab for that matter? “Coming Soon” turns off customers; it makes them feel if you don’t care enough about your own store to include appropriate policies and content, how good are the wares you’re selling? Ask OC Designs Online about our expert copywriting services to fill up those blank tab areas with awesome text.

Trendsetters Perfumes eBay Store by OC Designs OnlineReputable eBay Elements – Make sure you include elements right on your store’s homepage that shows you are PayPal verified, warranty logos, and 100 percent satisfaction guaranteed symbols. This shows customers right away they can trust you. A privacy policy is also an absolute must to build trust—if you don’t have one, let OC Designs Online write your privacy policy.

Ready to Get Started?

As the holiday season nears, you need that extra punch to draw in buyers and make the 4th quarter profits you want for 2012! For a limited time, OC Designs Online is offering a free holiday eBay store redesign—find out more about this free giveaway and enter to win on our Facebook page!

Image credit – Salvatore Vuono/

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