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Although it may seem as if Craigslist has created a monopoly on the resale market, there are viable competitors who offer sellers fair compensation for their unwanted items.

Recognizing the need for this additional service, Sell My Things Today has teamed up with the experts at OC Designs Online to create a custom eBay store design to showcase a variety of gently used, quality furniture and housewares.

Graphics and Display eBay Store Design

The main navigation pane appears at the very top of the website, aptly making way for products to be appropriately showcased. Here, buyers who so choose may access company information including policies, new arrivals, deals that will be ending soon, delivery specifics, ways to contact and FAQ’s.

Customers who wish to target their search as opposed to browsing may utilize the custom search bar located across from the contemporary, purple and orange logo.

This contrasting color mix is utilized throughout the site to accent key features including the ‘shop now’ link appearing in the bottom left corner of the eBay shop design‘s welcome graphic.

Inexpensive eBay store design for hobby retailers

With a diverse list of store categories, the experts have identified multiple furniture classifications, all nicely organized in the vertical listing below. The list and pictured categories appearing just to the right both aid the shopper’s ability to quickly navigate to the product selections of their choice.

Next, two vibrant links invite key customers to add the site their list of favorites and/or sign up to begin receiving the store’s newsletter- a standard, key selling point for our custom eBay design templates.

eBay custom category page

An eight panel block of ‘featured products’ effectively utilizes the prime real estate of the the midsection to represent an array of household items. These offerings can be easily changed out to represent the best deals or most sought after merchandise as based on your own internal analytics.

Showcase products with custom ProStore designBuy why would buyers choose to shop with Sell My Things Today over tried and true sites like craigslist?

It’s a valid question that is well addressed in a colorful display feature of alternating purple and orange which effectively draws the eye down the compelling list.


A custom footer to round out the site generally includes repetition of the company logo, creating brand recognition. Here, our eBay store design also addresses key features typically highlighted in the main navigation pane, ensuring no question is left unanswered.

Custom eBay Store Footer

Stand up to your biggest competitors and let OC Designs Online build you an affordable eBay template for your online storefront.

Please browse our ever-growing portfolio and then request your free quote today!

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