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How would you describe your personal style…worldly? Unique? Bohemian? If you answered yes to any of the above Sure 24 is surely the place for you!

Not only are the designs themselves fantastic, the material on which they’re printed is said to be “some of the most comfortable clothing on the planet”. And since you can’t feel them for yourself, the company called upon the experts at OC Designs Online to create them a snappy eBay Store Design to help showcase them proper.

Graphics and Display eBay Store Design

A prominent black navigation panel is segmented into two parts by the company logo. On either side shoppers have the option to explore, among others, company or contact information, FAQ’s or feedback.

However, at a glance you’ll quickly see that one of these things is not like the other in this eBay shop design’s navigation pane. To highlight a selection of discounted merchandise, the ‘on sale’ tab has been drafted in yellow, contrasting against its black and white neighbors.

All this is preceded by a 100% satisfaction guaranteed graphic and search bar enabling shoppers to target individual items.

Below, a brief welcome message greets prospective buyers and alerts them to the store’s policy of free shipping in the U.S.

eBay custom category page

Next, four overarching store categories are beautifully represented with a red backdrop and hi-res images. Viewing the entire selection is simple and immediate with a clearly marked ‘view all’ link.

This eBay Store Design also makes it a cinch to keep new or highly sought after wares front and center with a ‘featured items’ panel. Here, a four section spread gives a brief description, then sends customers on their way with a playful ‘shop now’ link.

Custom eBay Store Templates

Closing out this custom eBay Template Design is a clean, yet informative footer.

Here, three info-graphics alert shoppers to the store’s shipping policy, promise of hassle free returns, and an invitation to join the site’s newsletter distribution. Finally, a mini sitemap takes customers through the most important company information and accepted methods of payment before signing off with the custom logo.

Custom eBay Store Footer

What do you think of their new eBay store?

Are you an ecommerce retailer with eBay or another platform and looking for store customization? If so, feel free to browse our portfolio and then contact us for a free quote so OC Designs Online can turn your ecommerce storefront into something engaging, welcoming and an online venue where shoppers will come back—again and again!

Be sure to find us on Facebook and Pinterest!

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