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Healthy living has consistently ranked among the top priorities of many U.S. adults in recent years. And while according to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term ‘diet’ was coined somewhere in the 14th century as a “Prescribed course of food, restricted in kind or limited in quantity, esp. for medical or penal reasons”, it’s widely held that the dieting craze really took off sometime in the mid-1980’s.

After substantial research into healthy eating habits for diabetics, husband and wife duo Ed and Ann-Marie Stephens were specifically intrigued by the ‘Plate Method’ originally adopted by Sweden and later brought back stateside by nutritionists.

With a commitment to promote safe, yet effective weight loss methods among their clients, Precise Portions turned to the experts at OC Designs Online to draft them a custom Volusion Store. See for yourself!

Graphics and Display Volusion Store Design

Our professionals chose a bright, vibrant green to accent the storefront’s most noteworthy facets. Once shoppers make it past the custom logo, they have the option to enter keywords or phrases into a custom search bar and target specifics products.

In the extensive main navigation bar below they’re met with holiday specials, living tools, healthy resources, blog posts, and more. The highly recognizable ‘as seen on TV’ graphic just below is sure to both ignite the shopping frenzy and present an air of professionalism.

The main feature displays a rotating hi-res graphic of various health foods, promotions, and portion plates themselves alongside a list of marketing copy which finishes by encouraging shoppers to click and ‘start losing weight today’.

Custom Volusion Store Design

It’s also easy to maximize specific listings with a featured product section such as the one listed above.

Our designers have also strategically placed a compelling article which unmistakably communicates the benefits of portion control dishes.

Maximize Listings for Volusion Store

Utilizing mainstream media is also a superb way to reel in buyers who may be on the fence or require a bit of extra convincing. Couple these with government entities such as the USDA and American Diabetes Association, you’re backed by some very influential folks!

Custom Volusion Store Footer

Finally, the storefront wraps up with a custom footer sporting a mini sitemap, accepted methods of payment, web verifications, and social media plug ins so your most loyal customers can easily stay connected.

If you think the Volusion ecommerce platform may be right for you, why not browse some of the awesome designs in our portfolio? It’s easy to request a free quote and we hope you’ll like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

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