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Regardless of how traffic is sent to your landing page, a pay per click (PPC) search marketing campaign, sponsorship graphic or banner ad, from a blog post or email link, your “lead capture page” or “lander” is often your first contact with potential clients, customers, or buyers. As such, it’s essential that it promote your product or service in a visually appealing and easy to navigate landscape.

It’s no wonder Battery Max entrusted the experts at OC Designs Online with such a key component of their business. Check out all the features of their custom landing page below!

Custom Landing Page

The gradient background is cast to resemble a metal sheet cut at a diagonal. Pops of red typography highlight key components of the header including the logo, wholesale export, and physical address.

Custom Landing Page

In keeping with the design sentiments above, the rugged, punctured gunmetal backdrop houses vital information in the site’s midsection. A hi-res graphic of disguarded battery piles encases verbiage to let customers know they’ve come to the right place to get the very max from their scarp batteries.

Directly right, a small sidebar displays essential contact information including hours for their brick and mortar location, phone numbers, and email address for digital communication.

Custom Landing Page

Next, a brief list of services and helpful info occupies a three-panel spread.

In the first quadrant, customers are advised that all kinds of junk batteries are viable, including those from cars, trucks, watercraft vehicles, motorcycles, golfcarts and even forklifts. As a courtesy, they also have operators standing by to help you coordinate pick up.

With a 6-month guarantee, all lead acid batteries can be traded for cash in hand. Verbiage and legalities based on Florida State regulations help sellers ensure they collect all required information prior to making the sale.

Custom Landing Page

Finally, the landing page wraps with an email feature allowing customers to send in questions or request quotes online. After a repetition of Batter Max’s contact information, the page comes to a close, with all vital information housed in one highly organized, yet informative space.

No matter if you’re buying or selling, OC Designs Online can help you drive traffic and command sales with our affordable landing page designs. After all, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Better make it count!

Please browse our ever-growing portfolio and then request your free quote today!

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