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Many motorcycles top out at speeds of up to 175 miles per hour. At these breakneck speeds, it’s expected that your bike might endure a bit of wear and tear over time. But what do you do if a dealership isn’t accessible? Chances are you take your search to the internet.

With Big Commerce stores like Grease Monkey Auto Parts, shoppers have instant access to thousands of specialty items and replacement parts for their hog. Thanks to the design experts at OC Designs Online, sales are revving up like never before!

Graphics and Display Big Commerce Store Design

In the yellow banner at the very top of the page, customers have convenient access to their personal accounts and order statuses. On either side of the custom logo, shoppers are met with a variety of social media plug ins, an opportunity to live chat with customer support professionals or utilize the search bar at the top right to seek out specific products.

Below, the main navigation bar organizes parts into six categories including solo seats, saddle bags, conversion kits, accessories, specials and more. Additional store categories can be accessed in the left sidebar where a multitude of links are listed out in a vertical fashion.

Big Commerce custom category page

Next, the store’s top categories are repeated, each underscored with a hi-res image and link where customers can quickly ‘view all’.

Meanwhile, four featured products rest against a warm yellow background, drawing attention and maximizing listings which appear in the prime real estate of the midsection.

Back in the left sidebar, an invitation to join the mailing list means shoppers never again have to miss out on an exclusive offer or store update. Two final graphics promote Grease Monkey’s 30-day money-back guarantee and international shipping policy.

Custom Big Commerce Store Footer

Wrapping the storefront is a well organized, custom footer. Here shoppers can quickly navigate through customer services including shipping info and testimonials, store policies for shipping and returns, along with company information such as ways to contact.

In the bottom right, buyers are sent off with comforting, familiar logos of USPS, FedEx, and a variety of payment methods. This helps to reassure customers that their personal information is secure and their packages will arrive on time.

Think the Big Commerce platform is right for your business? If so contact us for a free quote on a custom Big Commerce store design! We hope you’ll like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, but first, don’t forget to browse our portfolio of stunning ecommerce store designs!

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