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Have you been wondering how to achieve Top Rated seller status on eBay?

The coveted top seller status levels on eBay aren’t just for show. Top Rated sellers have more prestige, get real benefits, and with better seller status comes increased buyer trust, boosted referral rates, customer loyalty, and most importantly, higher sales.

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Let’s take a closer look at the different seller levels available to you, and how to achieve Top Rated seller status on eBay.


What Are the eBay Seller Levels?

eBay is committed to holding sellers to the highest standard possible. That’s why the platform calculates your status on the 20th day of each month. This evaluation is based on a combination of both your customer service and sales history.

The platform’s algorithms also look at your transaction defect rate, amount of cases closed without seller resolution, delayed shipment, and confirmed tracking and delivery.

There are three primary seller levels on eBay. Let’s take a closer look.


Top Rated, PowerSeller, and Top Rated Plus 

Top Rated, PowerSeller, and Top Rated Plus are among the most successful sellers on eBay – as calculated by product sales and customer satisfaction.

These status levels mean you belong to the very top echelon of eBay sellers. You consistently provide the very best customer service, while also meeting the minimum sales requirements.


Above Standard

Above Standard seller status means you achieve the minimum standard sales and provide quality customer service.


Below Standard

Below Standard seller status means your performance has plenty of room for improvement. You have a high defect rate, and number of cases closed without seller resolution.


So, How Do You Achieve Top Rated, Top Rated Plus, and PowerSeller Status?

Now that you know a little more about these different levels, how can you achieve top rated seller status on eBay?

Let’s take a look:


Top Rated

As a Top Rated Seller, you get the Top Rated seal on all listings that meet eBay’s criteria, and you get a $30 credit towards Promoted Listings every quarter.

To achieve Top Rated Seller Status, you must:


  • Have an eBay account that has been active for a minimum of 90 days


  • Completed at least 100 transactions worth at least $1,000. These transactions have been completed with US customers in the past 12 months.


  • Comply with eBay’s “Selling Practices Policy”


  • You meet the requirements for transaction defect rate, late shipment rate, and cases closed without seller resolution.


Top Rated Plus

As a Top Rated Plus Seller, the Top Rated Plus seal appears in search results and in your listing description. And, you receive a 10% discount on your final values fees (not including shipping).

To achieve Top Rated Plus Status, you must:


  • Have a store that meets all the Top Rated requirements, plus, you provide same day or one-business-day handling of items 


  • Provide free returns for 30 days or more, based on your eBay category.



PowerSeller status builds your eBay credibility, and puts you in the upper echelon of sellers on eBay. The PowerSeller levels include Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Titanium depending on the number of items you’ve sold and the dollar amount of your sales.

To achieve PowerSeller status, you must:


  • Have an eBay account in good standing, that has been active for at least 90 days


  • Consistently follow all eBay policies


  • Maintain a positive feedback score of 98% or higher


  • And, you have a minimum of 100 transactions and $3,000 in sales with US buyers over the past 12 months.


Now, It’s Your Turn to Achieve Top Rated Seller Status on eBay

When you’re wondering how to achieve Top Rated seller status on eBay – it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, you can achieve your goal by following some easy, straightforward steps. By working steadily toward your higher status, you’ll be on your way to being a PowerSeller, Top Rated, and Top Rated Plus seller in no time.

Need help increasing your seller status? The experts at OCDesignsOnline are here to help you reach your status goals. Give us a shout at 609-675-0912.


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