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Are you looking for ways to win repeat business on eBay?

If so, you’re doing the right thing.

Loyal customers are worth up to 10 times as much as their first purchase, and a 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 75%, and a 2% increase in retention has the same effect as decreasing costs by 10%.

That means that finding measurable ways to win repeat business on eBay can have a major effect on your success.


A customer eBay design by OCDesignsOnline.


Let’s take a look at some easy steps you can take to win repeat business on eBay today…


Listen Closely to Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is extremely important. In fact, it’s the one, most powerful way you will learn how to improve your products.

Read every email you receive, peruse customer feedback, and continue to use this information to better your products and services.


Use Trust Signals

One unifying characteristic of every buyer you get: they want to buy from someone they can trust.  

Gain trust by adding a real image of yourself and your products, include real testimonials on your listing, and make sure you provide great customer service that generates positive feedback.


Focus on Benefits

Think about how your products will improve the life of the buyer. Be specific. Will your nutrition product make them feel more energetic, so they can finally lose weight? Does your comforter make sleeping easier and more restful, so they won’t feel tired all the time?

Focusing on benefits is a marketing secret that will get you measurable results. Before you show off about your products’ amazing features, talk about how they make your customers’ lives better.


Have a Generous Return Policy

Did you know that if you don’t have a return policy, eBay will penalize you by ranking you lower in search results? Not only that, but customers tend to favor businesses that offer a return policy.

Make sure you offer a generous return policy that builds buyer trust and loyalty, and keeps you at the tippy top of search rankings.


Remember, the Customer is Always Right

Yes, you will probably have customers who are unreasonable and demanding. If you want a successful eBay presence – treat these customers with the utmost respect.

Don’t take it personally, and remember that the customer is always right, even when they’re acting like a toad.


Be Honest… Ahead of Time

The more open and honest you are about a product’s condition – the better. So, mention right away if the item is cracked, damaged, discolored, or has other flaws.

Being honest will result in higher customer satisfaction, more referrals, and yes, better reviews. In fact, honesty is one of the best ways to win repeat business on eBay.


Ask for Feedback

Ask customers to give you feedback. Invite them to talk about both the quality of the product and their customer experience.

Real customer feedback will build buyer trust, improve your search rankings on eBay, and help you build your eBay reputation.


Keep the Customer in the Loop

Give your customer all the information they need. Send them a friendly update when their product is shipped, let them know product details, and ask them if the product was in good condition upon arrival.

By keeping your customers in the loop, you show them that you care about their satisfaction.


Collect Emails for Repeat Business

While this might sound like a no-brainer, you’d be amazed how many business owners forget to collect customer email addresses.

And yet, this is one of the most powerful ways to win repeat business on eBay. Building an email list means you can embark on ventures like product launches, newsletters, and other marketing strategies that will get people coming back for more.


Put Customers First, and Everything Else Falls into Place…

Success on eBay is all about how happy people are with your products and customer service. So, put your people first, and everything else will fall into place.

Looking for more ways to win repeat business on eBay? Want to skyrocket your eBay success? Get in touch with the friendly team at OCDesignsOnline by calling 609-675-0912. We’re excited to help you unlock your full potential.


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