by Frannie Kline | Jun 23, 2015 | 3DCart Store Design, eBay & eCommerce, eBay Store Design, Request a Quote
Dressing up is a lot of fun. At OCDesignsonline, we take pride in dressing up our client’s business platforms all the time. When our client, Best Costume & Toy Deals approached us for assistance with their costume and toy business, we were happy to help. In...
by Frannie Kline | Jun 18, 2015 | eBay Shop Design, eBay Store Design
Painting your nails is a lot of fun. For our team at OCDesignsonline, creating great-looking custom eBay stores for our clients is a lot of fun. When Niko Beauty approached us to have us create a fresh look for their eBay store, we were happy to help. Our client...
by Frannie Kline | Jun 15, 2015 | eBay & eCommerce, eBay Shop Design, eBay Store Design, eCommerce Combo Store Solutions
Swing sets are one of the great childhood joys – sitting in the back yard, seeing if you can fly higher than your sibling while feeling like you might get so far away from the ground you’ll never come back down. At OCDesignsonline, when our client at Swing...
by Frannie Kline | Jun 12, 2015 | eBay & eCommerce, eBay Store Design, eCommerce Combo Store Solutions, Request a Quote
When you choose to have our team at OCDesignsonline help you with a custom ecommerce package, you’re choosing to help boost your sales and build brand awareness in your target market. Now while Clark Kent had to hide in a phone booth to become Superman and save...
by Frannie Kline | Jun 11, 2015 | eBay Category Listing Design, eBay Category Pages, eBay Shop Design, eBay Store Design, eBay Templates
We’re really pleased with the outcome of one of our latest eBay store designs. At OCDesignsonline, we were approached by our client, SGI Fashion Outlet to help create an eBay store design that would really wow customers and help to boost their sales. When we...
by Frannie Kline | Jun 5, 2015 | eBay & eCommerce, eBay Category Listing Design, eBay Category Pages, eBay Store Design, eCommerce Combo Store Solutions, Request a Quote
There are many coin collectors out there looking for great deals on the next items to add to their collections. When Volition Metals came to us for help increasing their business’ sales, we were happy to oblige. We spoke with our client about the various options...